正在為兩首唐詩焦頭爛額之際,又在無意中找到五線譜的英文。空白的五線譜美語為staff ,英語為stave,上面沒有音符。已經以印刷或書寫方式記錄的五線譜,為sheet music(有別於錄音方式記錄的聽覺唱片CD)。若是規模較大、需要多種樂手演奏的樂譜,才是我們最常聽到的score。
stave UK noun [C] (US staff)
the five lines and four spaces between them on which musical notes are written
Sheet music An individually printed song, most often for voice, piano, guitar,or a combination of the three. Any printed music. (http://library.thinkquest.org/2791/MDCTARY/S.htm)
Sheet music is musical notation written down on paper; it is the musical analog of a book. The term sheet music is used for written music to distinguish from audio recordings.
Sheet music may come in several different forms. If a piece is written for just one instrument (for example, a piano), all the music will be written on just one piece of sheet music. If a piece is intended to be played by more than one person, each person will usually have their own piece of sheet music, called a part. If there are a large number of performers required for a piece, there may also be a score, which is a piece of sheet music which shows all or most of the instruments' music in one place. (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheet_music)
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